I was afraid of watching Sin City when I was a kid but, not I enjoy it because I have a strange imagination so I thought to myself what would it look like if it was raining blood
Michael T. Robinson 4/20/19 Digital Photography Artist Statement The main focus of my work is to show the ways we humans view and treat nature. Historically, I want to look at how we treat nature from both a positive and negative prospective. We humans either don’t mow our grass or mow it too low to the point it’s just dirt, we leave our trash out anywhere & don’t pick it up, making our backyard or neighborhood look like a garbage dump. We leave old equipment outside to get rusty, leaving it in a junkyard, doing nothing with it. On the other hand, we humans sometimes take care of nature by planting flowers, making our house look presentable. Like, flowers growing near the house sort of like your typical suburbs. If you went in the suburb area you’d see their grass is green as a NFL football field & the flowers are newly grown or put into the grown. The grass almost looks like turf from a football fiel...
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